Thursday, November 28, 2013

mommy and son time

aaron and i took a last minute trip to maui. my friends convinced me that this is a really great opportunity to take a vacation and REALLY relax. so i found some cheap flights to maui and a great deal on a resort in wailea. this was also a great chance for steve to have some "me time".

traveling by myself w/ a 5 yr old might seem brave to some but really, as my sister would say, aaron is almost like an adult. he literally does everything himself. he actually had to remind ME to bring our room key when we left our hotel! the four days we were in wailea absolutely flew by. it was definitely an experience that i'm SO grateful i was able to have w/ my son. although we both missed daddy, it was nice to spend some quality time w/ my son.

 waiting at sjo for our flight!
 dinner at alan wong's amasia

 yummie pineapple sangria
 ahi tartare
 braised short ribs
 amazing coconut sorbet
 wailea beach
 vibrant beautiful flowers at the grand wailea

 nothing like a romantic stroll along the beach w/ your 5 yr old son
 my favorite - lava flow
 view from our hotel room
  our "partial" ocean view
 our upgraded large lanai. amazing what empathy you get when you are traveling solo w/ child hahaa
 dining at humuhumu
 seriously the MOST delicious dish i've had in awhile...
seared ahi loin w/ foie gras dumpling, mushrooms and snow peas in broth
 aaron's dessert - macadamia nut ice cream
 independent little man; wanted to stroll our luggage

thankful for...

...all my wonderful and supportive friends and family
...the most amazing and healthy 5 yr old son jack of all trades hubby who puts up w/ me
...this time to refocus on my personal life / reevaluate what i want to do next professionally
...our home; grateful for all those who serve and sacrifice to protect all of the above =)

Saturday, November 16, 2013


aaron goes to preschool 4 days a week. on thursdays, he and my nephew actually spend the day w/ my parents. my sister and i felt that it was nice for them to spend some time w/ their grandparents. well, now that i'm not working, it only makes sense for me to spend the day w/ the boys. we do still see my parents; we'll usually meet up for lunch or dinner depending on what i have scheduled for the boys.

month one

three weeks of unemployment has flown by. it's been relatively busy catching up on tons of things that i wasn't able to get to since i was so busy previously. boring things such as different doctor appointments; house appointments and other errands. many of those things are one-time occurrences since i've just been putting it off. i feel like it is a lot about organizing my life, family or house.

i am starting to get into a good routine:
- mondays are all about getting the week ready and cleaning up the house from the weekend. it's so nice to go to costco or target or the grocery store during the week. it's just so much more calm and quiet. 
- tuesdays / wednesdays are about the house. we purchased our house a year ago and we haven't done much with it. we are finally starting to remodel one bathroom. i've been helping steve w/ the demo. i need to start sourcing and buying materials.
- thursdays are spent w/ aaron and my nephew joshua. spending an entire day w/ a 5 and 4 yr old is quite exhuasting. 
- fridays are reserved for my 6 yr old nephew. i pick him up after school and take him to his tae kwon do class. 

i'm cooking dinner every night. that is probably the most shocking part. when i was working, i never cooked - i mean never. even on the weekends, i never cooked. i never even washed the rice when we had to cook rice. how many times did i say never (i mean just in case you guys didn't get it the 1st time around)? 

weekends are also different now. since i'm running all the errands on the weekdays, our weekends are more enjoyable. the quality of what we do is better because it's not about having to check things off our list.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

one chapter closes; another one begins

i am now on day 7 of this new chapter called unemployment aka stay at home mom aka lady of leisure.

let's do a quick recap of my last chapter with some background:

i was employed at a private retail company where i started over 7 years ago as a manager. i had always been very ambitious and wanted to be on the fast track. i had the same amazing manager for the first 6 years who always found a way to get the best out of me and our team. after he left at the end of 2012, i was promoted to vice president. in the last year since becoming vice president, life had been anything but fun. work was insane: we were extremely understaffed, were given additional responsibilities (without any being taken away) and had no tools, resources or systems to do anything well.

it was a very imbalanced life:
1 - i was working on average 65 hours a week
2 - we had so many meetings that i wouldn't have time for lunch at least 2 days out of the week
3 - with the stress and lack of time to eat: i went down 3 pant sizes!

that doesn't even describe the emotional strain on my personal life or the imbalance in our home. on weeknights, i would come home and steve and aaron would already be done eating dinner. on weekends, steve would take aaron to the park and i would be at home working. i never got around to doing any housework because i always had work to do. 

needless to say, it was not sustainable. i was struggling to find the right answer. just say no to the executives to all their projects / requests? quit and take a break? look for a new job? well, it was answered for me because i got LAID OFF.

it came as a complete SHOCK (to me and to everyone in the company). we had some changes in our leadership team and the new COO was not a fan of mine. it was a hit to my pride. i thought, how could someone possibly say i was not successful when i've built 7 years of solid results and teams, credibility and amazing working relationships in the company? how could this possibly happen to me? i became the 10th VP to leave the company in the current year (that's north of 40% turnover). 

many will say, it's par for the course when new leaders come into the company. sure, if they want to make me a scapegoat, fine. however, i feel for my team that is still there and all my other colleagues that i've developed great relationships with. 

this entry is long enough already so i'll end it here; more to come on what are my next steps...

*the artwork is buttefly by aldo luongo. my colleague gave me a bottle of wine w/ the this painting and i just fell in love with it! it's a great symbol of a woman flying to her freedom. =)